We hereby notify the parties subject to application of the Public Procurement Law that the Government of Montenegro, at its 162nd session of 19 March 2020, adopted urgent measures with an aim of responding to negative effects to the economy caused by coronavirus epidemic (http://www.gov.me/sjednice_vlade_2016/162 ).
Ministry of Finance instructs the contracting authorities to comply with the Decision of the Government of Montenegro.
At the same time, we kindly ask the contracting authorities to take into account the current circumstances on the market and the impediment the potential bidders are facing in preparation of their bids, provision of proofs and means of security in accordance with the Law, as well as the difficulties in the procedures of delivering the parcels from European Union and surrounding area.
In that regard, with the exception of public procurements necessary for the functioning of the health system, the needs of national security and urgent procurements, we kindly ask contracting authorities not to initiate procurements which are not necessary for smooth functioning of vital segments of the country, thereby respecting the policy and measures of the Government of Montenegro.
At the same time, we ask the parties subject to application of the Public Procurement Law to determine, in accordance with the assessment of the current situation, the possibilities of realization of the initiated public procurement procedures in accordance with the Law.
We are at your disposal for additional consultations.
Ministry of Finance
Directorate for Public Procurement Policy