Free Trade Agreement between Montenegro and the EFTA countries provides firm basis for further development and promotion of commercial and economic cooperation with all EFTA countries, without any obstacles in its implementation, concluded at the first Mixed Commission Meeting between Montenegro and the EFTA countries held on April 25, 2014 in accordance with the Article 41 of the above Agreement.
Sub-committee meeting on the rules of origin, customs procedures and trade facilitation
preceded the Mixed Commission meeting. The Commission on Montenegrin side was chaired by Goran Šćepanović, Director General of the Directorate for Multilateral and Regional Trade Cooperation and Economic Foreign Relations in the Ministry of Economie, while the EFTA side was led by Norbert Frick, Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations Office in Geneva.
Subject- matter of the Mixed Commission were the following topics:
• Economic relations between parties, signatories to the Agreement ;
• Trade in goods ( rules of origin, customs tariff in the field of agriculture and industry, sanitary and phytosanitary measures);
• Protection of Intellectual Property;
• Trade in services;
• Public Procurement;
• Trade and Sustainable Development.
Ms Sanja Poleksić, the member of the Mixed Commission on behalf the PPA gave the presentation within the meeting on the following topic: ’Legislative framework to the Public Procurement System in Montenegro.’
Mixed Commission first meeting was held with the aim of exchanging information and experience in defined areas.
Free Trade Agreement between Montenegro and the EFTA countries (European Free Trade Union) was signed on November 14, 2011. in Geneva, and is in its full force since November 1, 2012.
PR Service of the Public Procurement Administration