The European Integration Committee of the Montenegrin Parliament adopted the Report on Negotiation Chapter 5 – Public Procurement

Podgorica, 20 July 2016: At today’s meeting of the European Integration Committee, the members of the Committee discussed the Report on Negotiation Chapter 5 – Public Procurement. The key aspects of these documents as well as the progress achieved in realization of the set benchmarks were presented by the Chief Negotiator for Montenegro with the EU – Mr. Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, the negotiator for the Chapter 5 – Mr. Nikola Vukićević and the Head of the Working Group for the Chapter 5 – Mr. Mersad Mujević.  After a dynamic discussion on the steps taken and the forthcoming Montenegro’s obligations in these areas, the Committee members adopted a positive opinion on these documents by a majority vote.

Since the considered document had been marked as “internal”, the meeting was closed to the public.


PR service of the PPA