Dear friends,
Welcome to the web page of the Public Procurement Administration of Montenegro, a place where you can find all the relevant information regarding public procurement in the country.
Respecting the public requirements regarding expertise, a correct application of public procurement rules, as well as request for support in achieving a more efficient operation, a new web site for the Public Procurement Administration has been developed, having as an objective an exchange of opinions, knowledge, guidance and all that coud be useful for realization of a more efficient public procurement system. That would be the place for the procurement experts to resolve all their dilemmas and problems encountered in a daily implementation of public procurement rules, in a very quick and efficient way. Opennes to all comments, criticisms and opinions that would enable the exchange of information via web page will be used for the purposes of performance improvement and for achieving better efficiency and safety within the public procurement system. The web page will contain all PPA answers, opinions and information regarding the public procurement procedures, in accordance with the Public Procurement Law (Official Gazzette of MNE, 46/06), as well as information on possibilities of acquiring education through the PPA activities regarding seminars, consultations and trainings.
Guided by the basic goal of providing expert information in the public procurement field, opennes to all questions and dilemmas, providing feedback on how to improve and realize an efficient public procurement system, in cooperation with economic operators, users of the tools who will upgrade these tools and enable them to fulfill all their needs, we will make every possible effort to improve our web page constantly! The improvement of the web page primarily refers to development of the public procurement system so that both sides of the process – contracting authorities and bidders – have a better insight into the value of the money spent, which also can contribute to the economy in both public and provate sectors (fostering competition, prevention of corruption and bribery, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, as well as improvement in governing public finances).
We can hardly achieve all our goals and activities without your support! Accordingly, we look forward to all your comments, remarks and active involvement!
PhD Mersad Z Mujević