Belgrade, 13 and 14 November, 2014 – International Conference ’Public Procurement at the Local Level’ in organization of the Public Procurement Administration of Serbia, UNDP and the Embassy of Sweden

Upon the invitation received by the PPA Director of the Republic of Serbia, DSc Predrag Jovanović, Director of the PPA of Montenegro, DSc Mersad Mujević, and the Head of the Department for international cooperation in public procurement field, MSc Sandra Škatarić participated in the International Conference entitled ’Public Procurement at the local level’ in organization of the UNDP and the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade pointing to the significance of this Conference in terms of proper management of public funds at the local level and the model applied in Montenegro.

Public Procurement Administration of Serbia in association with the UNDP and the Embassy of Sweden organized the two-day International Conference on the topic ’Public Procurement at the Local Level’ held at hotel Zira, Belgrade, on 13 and 14 November of the current year.

In the introduction part of the Conference, PPA Director in Serbia, DSc Predrag Jovanović greeted all the participants pointed to the certain limitations in view of successful implementation of regulations in public procurement field at the local level, primarily lack of knowledge, mutual cooperation and exchange of acquired knowledge and experience which have to be natural response to the challenges of faster development at the local level. The event was in attendance by the representatives of the Municipalities in the Republic of Serbia.
Further, the representatives of the Public Procurement Administrations of Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia took their active role to the Conference pointed to their models and the specifics they faced by implementing and monitoring public procurement at the local level.
Director of the PPA in Montenegro, DSc Mersad Mujević pointed to the following issues and specific constraints with which the local self-government authorities primarily encountered as well as the regulatory ones implementing the PPL, and highlights thereby the importance of continuous arrangement of such meetings from the point of regional cooperation to find the best practical solutions for the local self-government units development with minimum risk.
In the course of his presentation, Director Mujević highlighted the need of public procurement development in the local self-government units in terms of their systematic approach, clear and transparent criteria for measuring the success of the reforms at the local level, and the measures for public procurement development in local self-government units.
In addition to this topic the discussion at the Conference went in the direction of centralized public purchasing at the local level, as well as on the public-private partnership at the local level. Particular attention to this topic drawn by the presentation of the Slovenian representative, prof. dr. Boštjan Brezovnik, Director of the Institute of Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor.
PR Service in the Public Procurement Administration