Naručilac: Crnogorski elektroprenosni sistem AD Podgorica. Kontrola postupka javne nabavke po Pozivu Crnogorskog elektroprenosnog sistema AD Podgorica broj 03/14 od 27.05.2014.g. Predmet: Nabavka energetskih transformatora, po partijama.
On April 10, 2014 Representatives of the Public Procurement Administration of Serbia were in visit to Montenegrin PPA, for the purpose of exchanging experience relating the area to the Chapter V- Public Procurement

Representatives of the PPA of Montenegro informed Serbian delegation in detail with the efforts its negotiation team undertakes regarding the EU process of integration. The Director of the PPA of Montenegro, DSc Mersad Mujević who is at the same time the Head of the working group for the Negotiation Chapter V has pointed out the […]
On proposal of the Montenegrin Employers Federation(MEF) the Round Table on the topic ’Creating the ambience for the sustainable development of enterprises in Montenegro’ was held in attendance of DSc Mersad Mujević the Head of the Public Procurement Administration

Prevailing issues of the Round Table were the System Institutions stronger support to the processes of business running, developing and sustainability in the following period and the expectations regarding better administration efficiency, elimination of business barriers and business background enhancement. The meeting that was held in hotel Apart Premier in Podgorica opened by the Head […]
Internal Advertisement within the State Authority
December 14, 2013 –In order to fil up the following staff vacancy: Senior advisor I for an indefinite time in the Sector for monitoring implementation of regulations and monitoring in public procurement, Public Procurement Administration published on the webpage of the Human Resources Management Authority the internal advertisement notice within the State Administration Body.
’Austrian Business Circle’ held in Hotel Ramada – Podgorica, on 15 October 2013

In association with the Austrian Economy Affairs Office and the new Austrian Ambassador in Montenegro, the AUSTRIAN BUSINESS CIRCLE was held on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 in Hotel Ramada in Podgorica, beginning at 7 p.m. As an honorary speaker, the Director of Public Procurement Administration, Mr Mersad Mujevic gave the overview of the current position […]