Report from the Workshop “Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Mediterranean Countries“, PR Centar Podgorica, 11 December 2012

On 11 December 2012, in the premises of the PR Center in Podgorica, a Workshop was held on with a topic „Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Mediterranean Countries“. The Workshop was organized by the Regional Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) and EcoInstitut from Barcelona, Spain, and the Public Procurement Administration (PPA) of Montenegro. The speakers were Ms Dafne Mazo, Project Manager of the CP/RAC and Ms Elena Estevan, Expert for Sustainable Procurement of the EcoInstitut from Barcelona. The participants of the Workshop included representatives of relevant institutions in the area of public procurement, environmental protection, sustainable development and others, and they had the opportunity to introduce themselves with the concept of sustainable/green procurement, green entrepreneurship, as well as methods of practical implementation of said aspects in the EU countries. The aim of the Workshop was also to indentify the key institutions in Montenegro that would implement the strategy of sustainable procurement, as well as the priority activities that would enable inclusion of these concepts into the public procurement practice, both by contracting authorities and by the bidders in Montenegro.
Održana radionica na temu “Zaštita prava u javnim nabavkama”
(Crnogorski) Za predstavnike Državne komisije za kontrolu postupaka javnih nabavki i Uprave za javne nabavke, a u organizaciji Uprave i SIGMA-e, u Podgorici je dana 16.10.2012. godine održana radionica na temu “Zaštita prava u javnim nabavkama”.
Radionica je obuhvatila temu Zaštite prava u postupku javne nabavke sa njihovim efektima u Austriji i Rumuniji. Govorilo se o Principima i politici EU pri rješavanju žalbi u postupcima javnih nabavki sa posebnim osvrtom na Direktive 89/665/EEC, 92/13/EEC i 2007/66/EC, predstavljena je Organizacija sistema pravnih ljekova u Evropskoj uniji i Glavni slučajevi pred ESP iz oblasti javnih nabavki.