(Crnogorski) Odluka o izboru kandidata koji su predloženi za člana Radne grupe za utvrđivanje metodologije analize rizika u vršenju kontrole, sa ciljem proaktivnog djelovanja u prevenciji i ranom otkrivanju koruptivnih radnji i drugih djela sa obilježjima korupcije

Notification to the NGO Sector on the representatives within the Working Group

p align=”center”> GOVERNMENT OF MONTENEGRO PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATION    NOTIFICATION On February 20, 2014 the Public call to the non-government organizations for proposal of the representatives within the Working Group was published aiming to establish the risk analysis methodology in carrying out the control acting proactively in prevention and early detection of the corruption misdoings […]

(Crnogorski) Javni poziv nevladnim organizacijama za predlaganje kandidata/tkinje za člana/icu u Radnoj grupi za utvrđivanje metodologije analize rizika u vršenju kontrole, sa ciljem proaktivnog djelovanja u prevenciji i ranom otkrivanju koruptivnih radnji i drugih djela sa obilježjima korupcije

23 12 2013 – Round table on topic: „Money and politics“ in organization of Democracy Transition Center held in Ramada Hotel

Supervision of the financing of the political parties in montenegro and in the region  were the main topics of the presentation. The Representatives of the Political Parties, the Member of the State Audit Institution and the Representatives from the Region of Montenegro were in attendance of the Round Table. The Seminary issues were the following: […]

December, 10 2013 – Round table on the topic “Integrity in the public and private sector”, in cooperation with the Directorate for anti-corruption initiative and American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro was held in Hotel “Nikić”

Introductory speeches: Vesna Ratković, The Head of the Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative, Edin Seferović, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro, John Cooney, the Head of the Political and Economic Section at  U.S. Embassy in Montenegro.  Assistant Director in the Public Procurement Administration of Montenegro Mara Bogavac took an active role on […]