In organization of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro the Fourth Annual Conference held on the current economic affairs of the West Balkans countries in cooperation with the East Committee of the German Economy connecting the German Economy with the East and with our region.
“Economy – Linking Basis for Western Balkans“, is the subject-matter that gathered the economic-operators from Montenegro, Germany and of the region, Ministers of Economy from the Region, Ambassadors, and other public and cultural figures of importance to the development of the Region.
The representatives of the PPA of Montenegro, its Director, DSc Mersad Mujević, and Assistant Director, Mara Bogavac were in attendance at the Conference.
At the two-day Conference, participants discussed closely on the projects to be intended for the development of the Western Balkans, opportunities regarding the connection of the economies and further business cooperation. In this regard, also, on the most important segments of the further development of this Region, connections of our future with the European one, consideration of existing deficiencies, opportunities of increasing competitiveness with a view to connect and recognize the economies of these countries and its further development.
In this aspect the particular interest was singled out for investing in energy and transport infrastructure, development of agriculture, tourism, banking and finances, existence of a consensus on the issue of economic interest, creating more stable economies, positive business environment and good business relationship between the economies of the countries in the Region and Germany which is the important associate to the Western Balkans countries.
Concerning the topic, equal treatment of all participants in public procurment procedures, provision of the same opportunities, non discrimination, transparency and available information of relevance to all interested parties, openness of our market and creating the equal conditions for all business organizations in the region are the general principles in the nature of our Law on public procurement.
Thereby the normative requirements have been made regarding the equall participation of all economic operators from the region in procurement of goods, performing of works and provision of services carring out by all entities with legislative, executive and judicial powers at the central and local level which is the significant market in Montenegro, hence provides a good basis for the development of a healthy economy and linking the Region.