Podgorica, 27 September 2015. Minister of Finance Radoje Žugić with his associates, within his regular plan of activities, visited the Public Procurement Administration.
The working visit was based upon three key issues, and they were as follows:
– the effects of implementation of the Amendements to the Public Procurement Law,
– activities on realization of the Draft Strategy for development of the public procurement system for the period 2016-2020, as well as
– the process of fulfilling the obligations from the EU Agenda.
Director Mujević introduced Minister Žugić and his associates with the activities of the PPA related to dissemination of all amendments to the PPL towards the bidders and contracting authorities. The said activity was being conducted through a permanent training defined by the PPA’s Work Program. The trainings included clarifications of the new legal institutes and the ways of their more consistent application. The meeting was the opportunity to provide clarification for the normative solutions prescribing some additional obligations at the side of contracting authorities, in purpose of strengthening the practical application of this Law, incorporating thereupon some missing provisions of the Directive 2004/17/EC as well as in purpose of having fully incorporated the Directive 2009/81/EC regulating the award of contracts in the field of defense and security.
II Strategy for development of the public procurement system for the period 2016-2020
In purpose of further harmonization of the legislation and considering the period of validity of the current Strategy, the Public Procurement Administration has established a Working Group for preparation of the strategic document which, apart from the representatives of the PPA, includes also the members from the NGO sector, Ministry of Finance, the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and EU Integration.
Minister of Finance was introduced to the goals of the new strategic document, as well as with the deadline for its adoption that is the end of this year, since it shall tackle the period 2016-2020.
III Activities on fulfilling the obligations from the EU Agenda – Chapter 5 Public Procurement
By harmonizing its legisltaion with the European one, Montenegro strengthens already well regulated area of sustainable public procurement, and the option of introduction of electronic as well as sustainable public procurement opens up the possibility for a more modern approach to the activities implied by this complex area.
The Public Procurement Administration is working intensively on further strengthening of Montenegro’s negotiating position related to its full membership in the EU, especially regarding the Negotiating chapter 5 – Public Procurement.
This was also an opportunity for introducing the Minister to the activities carried out by the PPA in relation to the GPA of the WTO.
The Minister was accompanied upon this working visit to the Public Procurement Administration by the Director of thze Directorate for Property and Legal Affairs, Ms. Ana Cerović.
The essence of the visit chaired by Director of the Administration PhD Mujević was presentation of the dynamics development of public procurement system in Montenegro, as well as the future plans in the field of introduction of the electronic public procurement system through a project which will be financed by the European Commission.