’Austrian Business Circle’ held in Hotel Ramada – Podgorica, on 15 October 2013

In association with the Austrian Economy Affairs Office and the new Austrian Ambassador in Montenegro, the AUSTRIAN BUSINESS CIRCLE was held on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 in Hotel Ramada in Podgorica, beginning at 7 p.m.

As an honorary speaker, the Director of Public Procurement Administration, Mr Mersad Mujevic gave the overview of the current position of Montenegro in the process of European integration in the Public Procurement Sector, and of the activities referring to the draft of the Law Amending the Public Procurement Law and practical application of regulations.

On behalf of the National Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures, the issues referring to the monitoring of procurement procedures, appeals and the measures for eliminating the irregularities in the public procurement procedures with particular emphasis on Austrian companies’ participations in public procurement were presented by Mr Tomo Miljic, member of the National Commission.

The Public Procurement Administration, the Austrian Economy Affairs Office and the Austrian Embassy in Montenegro agreed on intensifying the future cooperation, with a view to further strengthening of the public procurement system in Montenegro aiming to better positioning of Montenegro in Austrian economic flows.



Public Procurement Administration – PR Service