January 20, 2014 Podgorica – In organization of Montenegrin Employers Federation (MEF) and the EU Project titled “Strengthening of the Protection of Competition Policy in Montenegro “ conducted by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and carried out by “Fineurop Support“ (EuroSupport), Professional Counselling – Seminary on the current topic: “ The Protection of Competition in Montenegro – Rights and Obligations of Economic Operators and State Administration Bodies“ was held in Hotel Podgorica.
Counselling intended for Economic Operators and State Administration Body is organized with the aim of improving of the existing and acquiring new knowledge in the area of the Protection of Competition.
It was pointed out that the European Commission and the EU Delegation closely supervise the development of Laws and Competition Policies in Montenegro within the Negotiation Chapter 8 of the accession process. Even though State Aid Policies are covered by the Chapter 8, free and undistorted EU-level competition policy as a broad economic category is considered to be one of the main pillars on which the EU and Internal Market rest. Regardless of a relatively small market of Montenegro, there is no doubt that in the next period the full attention will be directed to the further development of the law and the competition policy (in accordance with the EU policies) and their actual implementation. Especially bearing in mind that the protection of the competition policy, if it is implemented in the right way – presents the key component (through the Anti Monopoly policy, State Aid policy and Concentration Control) for more healthy economy.
During the work of the Counselling, participants have been given the insights into the rules and Competition policy, the new legislative framework in Montenegro.
Participants` commitments, EU expectations of Montenegro in this area were presented at this meeting, and also the explanation was given on the individual cases and general standards in terms of the restriction on competition ( cartels and the abuse of a dominant position), collusions (in Public Procurement, allocation…), reparation of damages caused by a violation of competition in legal proceedings, release from punishment or reduction of sentence, as well as other issues. As pointed out, free and undistorted competition cannot be obtained over night or at once in all sectors. Thus the market, traders, importers, exporters and consumers have to recognize their mutual interest in developing the competition culture by offering its full support for newly established bodies. At the stable markets with the adequate number of the competitors (or potential competitors), free competition should lead to the lower prices for consumers, to the efficient use of the resources by the producers, as to the increased wellbeing for the society.
Upon the last panel intended for the participants` discussion , the opportunity came for the representatives of the Public Procurement Authority, DSc Mersad Mujević, the Head and Mrs Farisa Kardović, the Independent Advisor to give its views regarding the promotion of ensuring competition principles; In their discussion they pointed out the arrangement of the Public Procurement Policy on institutional as well as on the legislative level from the aspect of active promotion of the competition principles; especially when the word is about Public Procurement that follow the chapter on the Risk Management, activities for the promotion of transparency and identification of the measures, then its upgrade in the part of the risk in implementing of the Public Procurement Procedure at the conclusion of the cartel agreements aiming to influence the outcome of the competition. Here, the Public Procurement System directly undertake the following measures for suppression of these risks, making the complete regular internal report about all phases of preparation, implementing the Public Procurement and determining rules for reporting on irregularities, clearly separating the functions of the Procurement procedure being fully informed of any contact with the bidder in a way that all other participants in the process have to be informed about it in a provable way.
The Event was opened by Suzana Radulovic, the Secretary-General of the MEF, and Milos Androvic, the leader on the EU project “Strengthening of the Protection of Competition Policy in Montenegro.“ This was followed by the opening presentation of Miodrag Vujovic, Director of the Agency for the Protection of Competition, and the lectures held by Miloš Andrović.
Apart from the representatives of the Public Procurement Administration, participants in the Professional Counselling at the Hotel „Podgorica“ were the representatives of the economic entities ( small medium and large enterprises) and also of the following institutions: Ministry of Economy, Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, Regulatory Agency for Energetic, Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro.
PR Office of the Public Procurement Administration