(Crnogorski) Ambasadorka Ukrajine, njena ekselencija, Oksana Oleksandrivna – Slusarenko posjetila Upravu za javne nabavke, 17. januar 2013. godine

Minister of Finance DSc Radoje Žugić and Director of Public Procurement Administration DSc Mersad Mujević handed in the certificates to public procurement officers in Podgorica today

On this occasion the audience was addressed by the Minister of Finance who stressed that: During 2012, the strengthening of public procurement system was continued. The realization of tasks within the competences of Public Procurement Administration was provided, and these tasks referred to monitoring of application and preparation of public procurement legislation, analysis and implementation of public procurement system, in terms of its compliance with the EU legislation and proposing ...

Minister of Finance DSc Radoje Žugić and Director of Public Procurement Administration DSc Mersad Mujević handed in the certificates to public procurement officers in Podgorica today

On this occasion the audience was addressed by the Minister of Finance who stressed that: During 2012, the strengthening of public procurement system was continued. The realization of tasks within the competences of Public Procurement Administration was provided, and these tasks referred to monitoring of application and preparation of public procurement legislation, analysis and implementation of public procurement system, in terms of its compliance with the EU legislation and proposing ...

Report from the Workshop “Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Mediterranean Countries“, PR Centar Podgorica, 11 December 2012

On 11 December 2012, in the premises of the PR Center in Podgorica, a Workshop was held on with a topic „Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Mediterranean Countries“. The Workshop was organized by the Regional Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) and EcoInstitut from Barcelona, Spain, and the Public Procurement Administration (PPA) of Montenegro. The speakers were Ms Dafne Mazo, Project Manager of the CP/RAC and Ms Elena Estevan, Expert ...

In Organization of the EU Delegation to Montenegro and the Public Procurement Authority Within the Frame of the IPA Two-Day National Conference was Held on the Topic: “Centralized Procurements –Options for Montenegro“