Održana radionica na temu daljih aktivnosti u procesu otvaranja pregovora iz poglavlja 5 – javne nabavke

U Podgorici, u organizaciji Uprave za javne nabavke i SIGMA-e, 08.10.2012. godine održana radionica na temu daljih aktivnosti u procesu otvaranja pregovora iz poglavlja 5 - javne nabavke

(Crnogorski) Potpisan Sporazum o saradnji sa Univerzitetom DONJA GORICA, dana 18. maja 2012. godine

(Crnogorski) Dana 18.05.2012. godine održana je konferencija za štampu, na kojoj je potpisan Sporazum o saradnji Uprave za javne nabavke Crne Gore sa Univezitetom Donja Gorica. Potpisnici Sporazuma su bili direktor Uprave gosp. Mersad Z. Mujević i rektor UDG-a prof. dr Veselin Vukotić.

Meeting between the delegation of Montenegro and representatives of the EC in charge of the public procurement field, in Brussels, 26 March 2012

At the initiative of the Public Procurement Administration of Montenegro, a meeting between the representatives of the Public Procurement Administration and the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures of Montenegro and the representatives of the EC in charge of the public procurement field was held in Brussels on 26 March 2012. The Montenegrin delegation was consisted of Mr Mersad Mujević - the Director of the Public Procurement Administration, ...

(Crnogorski) Obuka u oblasti javnih nabavki namijenjena korisnicima instrumenta pretpristupne pomoci IPA- za Zapadni Balkan i Tursku u organizaciji Uprave za javne nabavki i Internacionalnog Trening Centra iz Torina

(Crnogorski) Evropska Komisija je zatrazila od SIGME da se razradi generički materijal za obuku, zasnovan na legislativi i praksi Evropske komisije i prilagodjen domaćoj legislativi i okolnostima svake zemlje korisnice. Specifična svrha ovog Projekta je razvoj i obezbjeđenje održive strategije obuka u javnim nabavkama na svim nivoima u zemljama korisnicima. Ideja samog Projekta je da se doprinese pojačavanju administrativnih kapaciteta i dobrog upravljanja u javnim nabavkama putem uspostavljanja ekonomičnog i ...

Representatives of the Public Procurement Administration: Mr Mersad Mujević – the Director and his colleagues Ms Sandra Škatarić and Ms Sanja Poleksić received the representatives of the Expert commission Ms Laura Stefan and Mr Marcin Gluchowski in the capacity of an expert mission in the area of Rule of law, with the main topic being analysis of the Public Procurement Law and its implementation, as well as the activities aimed at effectiveness of anti-corruption measures in the public procurement system

Representatives of the Public Procurement Administration: Mr Mersad Mujević - the Director and his colleagues Ms Sandra Škatarić and Ms Sanja Poleksić received the representatives of the Expert commission Ms Laura Stefan and Mr Marcin Gluchowski in the capacity of an expert mission in the area of Rule of law, with the main topic being analysis of the Public Procurement Law and its implementation, as well as the activities aimed ...