Podgorica; 3 April, 2015, Signatories to the Agreement, the Director of the PPA, PhD Mersad Mujević and the Director of the APC Mr. Miodrag Vujović, recognizing the outstanding potential in exchange of experiences between the two institutions, in accordance with the European Agenda on inter-institutional cooperation, agreed that the basis for realization of the said Agreement shall be respecting principles of equality, mutual respect, mutual help and support, non-interference into internal affairs and partnerships whereas they will, through joint consultations, define the cooperation priorities in the current year. Furthermore, the basic objectives of the cooperation were established, the subjects of which are primarily as follows:
- cooperation in preventive activities with the aim of protecting competition;
- cooperation on basis of submitting opinions on application of the rules in the field of protection of competition;
- reporting to the Agency on charges of violations, restrictions or prevention of competition among bidders annually, primarily in relation to existence of discriminatory conditions contained in the contract notice by which a significant number of market participants is excluded from the procedure, i.e. in cases where the contracts on consortium has been concluded in a public procurement procedure with a value exceeding €50,000.00 and where the bidders have been the same year after year, or in the procedures with less than three (3) bids;
- conducting research on elements and measures for protection of competition;
- joint organization of seminars, roundtables and other professional meetings in purpose of promoting application of measures and principles in order to protect competition in public procurement procedures;
- creation and distribution of various publications and other info materials in order to strengthen the equality of bidders in all phases of public procurement procedure;
- other forms of cooperation of a common interest.
The signatory parties of the Agreement shall appoint a contact person, who will coordinate realization of the defined activities.
This Agreement has been supported by the highest authorities of the signatories and it shall enter into force on the day of signature. The Agreement shall be in force until there is a common interest of the signatory parties thereof.
PR Service of the PPA