Representatives of the PPA of Montenegro informed Serbian delegation in detail with the efforts its negotiation team undertakes regarding the EU process of integration.
The Director of the PPA of Montenegro, DSc Mersad Mujević who is at the same time the Head of the working group for the Negotiation Chapter V has pointed out the relevant and useful items to the process of negotiation giving guidelines for its effective presenting. Impotant chain within the integration process is pursuing of the interinstitutional cooperation, achieving transparency and equality, integrity pact, bilateral meetings at which realistic state of play within the country should be discussed. Also, of great importance is the preparation of the substantive regulations, realistic review of weak and strong points of the law and the recognition of failures. I would mention that we should not lay down time-limits that are not realistic; it is necessary to efficiently use the information and follow the regulations.
Key issues to be followed by during the negotiation process are: What do we have? What do we want? For what do we need the expert assistance? In addition to this, attention also should be paid to the technical issues such as the selection of the screening team representatives, competent person in providing response, timing, costs and the operational language to be used. It is important to submit documentation and statistics completely and point to the indicators of success. Special attention to be paid to the definitions, as well as what is meant by the subject of public procurement. It has also been pointed to the importance of being opened to the media.
Director Mujević indicated of the first official visit that Serbian delegation paid to Montenegro, but despite that fact we have cooperated for months, shared documents and explained details of the whole process. Agreement was made regarding such documents which sharing would be of significance to Serbia in the process of opening of the Chapter V – Public Procurement. We agreed to meet again in a wider range which will comprise negotiation groups from other Chapters ( not only Chapter 5).
Representatives of the delegation to the Republic of Serbia expressed the gratitude regarding useful information and advice they received. The Director of the PPA of Serbia, Dr Predrag Jovanović, as well the President of the Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures of Serbia, mr. Saša Varinac pointed to the importance of today meeting congratulated Montenegro and its PPA on success they achieved towards EU integrations having expressed a desire for openess to the other matters of interest to the two countries concerning the public procurement policy.
Interlocutors mutually pointed to the relevance of involvement of all structures of the society into the negotiation process, so as in a better way reach quality conceptual designs with a view to efficient and effective standard meeting and fulfilment of required conditions. It is concluded that regional cooperation is the key in achieving visible pogress, and that the accession process should be seen as a common target of the countries in the region, in which the dynamis of the accession of one of the countries will serve as encouragement to the other one on its path to the EU.
The meeting was held in old Government building of Montenegro with the representatives of the Montenegrin negotiation team consisted of the following: President of the State Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures, Mrs Suzana Pribilovic, Assistant Director to the PPA, Mrs Mara Bogavac, Heads of Departments in the PPA, Sandra Škatarić and MSc Gorana Mrvaljević, representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of tourism and sustainable growth, Mrs Milena Durković i Bosiljka Vuković-Simonović.
PR team of the Public Procurement Administration