The PPA representatives, Sandra Škatarić, Zilha Bralić and Farisa Kardović took part in the 7th IPA Regional Public Procurement Conference so to exchange experience and discuss on the latest developments in public procurement area with the colleagues and international experts.
This Conference is organized in association with the Public Procurement Agency of Albania, The PP State Commission of Albania, and SIGMA; The Conference held in Vlora (Albania) to the above date.
Representatives of the PPA and the PP State Commission covered by the IPA programme took participation in the Conference. Also, the EC representatives and numerous experts from the member countries of the EU participated herein. In the position of the observers, representatives of other relevant international institutions from the region were invited to come (the Word Bank, EBRD, OECD, Directorate for Public Administration and Territorial Development).
The purpose of this Conference was to consider approach in the view of implementation of the public procurement reforms, with a particular reference to the manner of how the EU legal framework may influence the existing laws and practice in the public procurement area within IPA countries.
The Conference was interactive and it consisted of the individual presentations.
Sandra Škatarić, the PPA representative and the Head of the Department for professional development, training and international cooperation in public procurement field held presentations during the Regional Conference to the folowing topics:
1) Public procurement legislative experiences and needs & plans for development of the legislative framework in short and medium term,
2) Institutional set-up and the role of central institutions in the public procurement system: current situation, lessons learnt, plans for reform ,
3) Current priorities and coming activities (summary),
4) Future of public procurement training.
Participants were encouraged to share information, exchange experience posing questions and reaching the interesting conclusions in the course of discussion. Also it gave the opportunity to the participants regarding informal gatherings in order to recognize specific and different experience among nations so that colleagues could disscuss on particular subjects.