On behalf of the Public Procurement Administration the round table was in attendance of PPA assistant director, Mara Bogavac, graduate economist. On March 27, 2014 in Podgorica, Montenegro Business Alliance (MBA) organized the round table titled: Draft Law amending the law on public procurement.
The round table was organized with the aim of pointing out the relevance of this Law for governing the conditions, manner and procedure of procurement of goods and services and awarding work assignments, protection of rights in the public procurement procedures as of its significance from the aspects of bidders, enterprise representatives, MBA members, for the purpose of its opinion, proposals and suggestions to be heard.
Besides the PPA representatives, its contribution in speech to the round table gave: Vesna Daković – Montenegro Business Alliance (MBA), Tanja Janović –Ministry of Finance, and Refik Bojadžić – Union of Municipalities of Montenegro.
All participants are of the same opinion that the proposed draft Law Amending the Law on public procurement provide for increased transparency of the procurement procedure, simplifying of the procedure and make easier for the bidders to participate in public procurement procedures, by ensuring increased competence among the bidders and equal treatment in all phase of the public procurement procedure, and thus creating more efficient system of public procurement and more economic use of public funds.
Proposed amendments to this Law provide for further alignment of the procurement procedures with the directives in the field of utilities, directive on defence and security as to the area of legal protection.
In this solution great attention was paid to the standards of legal protection and inspection supervision in the sense of the manner of submission of the appeal, actions and decisions of the contracting authority against which the appeal may be lodged, compensation of the costs paid for the fees for conducting proceedings on appeal, substantial breach of the Law, misdemeanors and misdemeanor liability.
It is highlighted the need of strengthening the administrative capacities, knowledge and skills, the employees to the covered parties, teambuilding and establishing separate organizational units within contracting authority for the work on public procurement aiming to ensure better value for money for the reason that great amount of tax-payers money have been spent in the public procurement system, which additionally binds to strengthen the institutions of this system, lawfulness in procedures, and the accelerated compliance with the EU acquis.