To the end of developing of the public procurement system, enhancing efficiency and reducing the irregularities within the local self-government authorities, business organizations and the legal entities performing tasks of public interest at the local self-government level, the representatives of the Public Procurement Administration, Assistant Director, Ms. Mara Bogavac and her associate, Mr. Vučeta Dukić, graduate economist, were in visit to Municipalities of Bar and Ulcinj on 24.10.2014; Podgorica Capital and Municipality of Danilovgrad on 29 10 2014, while on 07 11 2014 they visited Municipalities Tivat and Kotor.
This activity of the PPA initiated in accordance with the PPA Work Program for 2014 within the measures established by the Action Plan for the purpose of implementing the Strategy for development of the Public Procurement System in Montenegro for the period 2011-2015 and of the EC recommendations.
Study visit aimed to assess the state of play in regard of applying the PPL with reference to complying with the principles of transparency in the public procurement procedures, ensuring the competition and equality, cost-effective and efficient use of public funds, also complying with the anti-corruptive policies and rules on prevention of conflict of interest on the side of both the contracting authorities and the bidders.
During the visit PPA representatives particularly emphasized that the conditions, manner, public procurement procedure and protection of the rights therein, and other issues of relevance have been regulated by the PPL. According to this, emphasis has also been put on the municipalities’ commitment to provide elementary conditions for initiating the procurement procedure and consequently the obligation and responsibility of timely planning of public procurement, appointment the public procurement officers, building administrative capacities, continuous training and education of employees involved in the procurement process, keeping records of public procurement process, reporting, keeping documentation on conducted public procurement procedures.
Local level activities under the Strategy for fight against corruption and organized crime for the period 2010-2014 also discussed where the public procurement identified as the high risk area, as well as on the significance of the risk assessment in this area at the local level, identifying factors that may favor the violation of anti-corruption rules and prevention of the conflicts of interest. Attention drawn to the obligation of regular reporting on violation of anti-corruption rules to the competent authority in accordance with the Law (twice a year) and the Rulebook on the manner of keeping records and its content in regard of violation of anti-corruption rules.
Administration pointed to the importance of strengthening mutual cooperation between the central institutions within the public procurement system and local self-government units.
During the visit certain conclusions have been reached according to which the authorized representatives of the contracting authorities took over obligations submitted by the PPA in accordance with the PPL.
PR Service in the Public Procurement Administration