In organization of the Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications as well as of the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro the Conference held on Wednesday, 05 11 2014 in the premises of Property Administration, Jovan Tomašević Street 2, where on behalf of the Public Procurement Administration its active partcipation took the Assistant Director Mara Bogavac.
The aim of the Conference is to point to the significance of the gender equality for the development of the information society, ie. the importance of equal participation of men and women in the implementation and the use of information and communication technologies.
Moderator to the Conference was the president of the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, Nada Drobnjak. Participants that gave their speech were Milica Vukotic, Dean of the Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies, Vanja Grgurović, Head of Department for Information Technology of the Administration for Inspection Affairs, Aleksandra Popović, from the company ’E3 Consulting’ and Radule Novović, the Director-General in the Ministry for Informaton Society and Telecommunications.
The attention was drawn to the relevance of using advanced technologies as a tool for closing the digital gender gap, the issue of gender equality within the information communication technologies inseparably attached to the broader issue of digital gap faced also by developed countries striking most frequently the population traditionally found themselves in an unenviable position and that long-lasting education is one of the methods on how to influence the digital gap reduction.
In the course of her discussion, the representative of the PPA, Ms Mara Bogavac indicated that mainly women are in charge of the Public procurement operations in Montenegro explaining that those jobs require new skills and training aiming to use the ICT tools in a modern and innovative way, as well as the manner in which we use the acquired knowledge, and transfer it for the purpose of developing and strengthening the Electronic communication in public procurement.
With reference to this, she also expressed interests in continued training and education of stakeholders within the public procurement system in Montenegro in regard of using the Information-Communication Technologies on the basis of plausible cooperation between the Public Procurement Administration and the Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications and the Gender Equality Committee.