Podgorica: 4 May, 2015, Organized by the Public Procurement Administration and the State commission for control of public procurement procedures, a presentation of the solutions contained in the new amended Public Procurement Law was held, as well as of the corresponding bylaws.
In his opening words addressed to the attending audience, the Director of the Public Procurement Administration, Mr. Mersad Mujević emphasized the values contained in the new, amended Public Procurement Law and the accompanying regulations, in respect of its future implementation and application.
The introductory part was also dealing with the key provisions of the new Public Procurement Law, and these are, primarily, the system solutions which raised the rules on anti-corrupion and on conflict of interest at the highest possible level. The further discussion put an emphasis on the fact that the proposed amendments should ensure and promote implementation of the Law, and that they were of a direct consequence for its application.
The Chair of the Working Group for development of the secondary legislation, the Asistant Director Mrs. Mara Bogavac emphasized the importance of the implementing acts which are essential for conducting public procurement procedures and stated that the Working Group was composed, apart from her, by the following members: Mr. Tomo Miljić, Mrs. Gorana Mrvaljević, Mr. Aleksandar Anđić, Mrs. Dijana Ivanović and Mrs. Maja Mitrović, whom she thanked for their efforts. The Working Group had a complex task, reflected in development of the following acts: Public Procurement Plan, Decision on Initiation of Public Procurement Procedure, Tender Documents for an Open Public Procurement Procedure, Tender Documents for the First Phase of a Restricted Public Procurement Procedure, Tender Documents for the Second Phase of a Restricted Public Procurement Procedure, Tender Documents for Negotiated Public Procurement Procedure with Prior Publication of a Contract Notice, Tender Documents for Negotiated Public Procurement Procedure without Prior Publication of a Contract Notice, Tender Documents for Public Procurement Procedure by Contest, Tender Documents for Public Procurement Procedure by Shopping, Notice of Advertising a Public Procurement Procedure, Minutes of Public Opening of Bids, Minutes of Review, Assessment and Evaluation of Bids, Minutes of Negotations in the Negotiated Public Procurement Procedure, Minutes of Review and Assessment of Applications for Determining Qualifications of Candidates in the First Phase of a Restricted Public Procurement Procedure, Decision (Ruling) on Selection of the Most Favourable Bid, pursuant to Article 105 paragraph 1 of the Public Procurement Law, Decision (Ruling) on Suspension of a Public Procurement Procedure, pursuant to Article 105 paragraph 1 of the Public Procurement Law, Decision (Ruling) on Cancellation of a Public Procurement Procedure, pursuant to Article 129 paragraph 1 of the Public Procurement Law, Form of the Notice of Intent to Establish and Conduct a Qualification System.
Presentation of the model for practical application of tender documents and its connection to the software solutios was delivered and explained by Mrs. Gorana Mrvaljević, while the reference to specific norms and clarifications of certain legal concepts were delivered by Mr. Tomo Miljić and Mrs. Dijana Ivanović.
PR Service of the PPA