The main topic of discussion and interest was the chronological presentation of the Montenegrin public procurement system dynamics development, introduction to the functioning of the Public Procurement Portal and the information updated thereon on a daily basis.
The meeting was opened by the Director of the PPA, PhD Mersad Mujević and the President of the Regulatory Public Procurement Commission of Republic of Kosovo Mr. Safet Hoxha.
Apart from the PPA representatives, namely the Assistant Director Ms. Mara Bogavac, the Head of the division in the PPA Ms. Sandra Škatarić and Ms. Gorana Mrvaljević, from the Kosovo side the meeting was also attended by the member of the Board of Directors of the RPPC of Kosovo Mr. Ilaz Duli, who pointed out the essential prerequisites that would be useful in the future path of Kosovo towards the EU and provided guidelines for their effective representation.
Namely, the Director of the PPA presented to the attendees the latest developments in Montenegrin legislation regarding the public procurement field as well as the key elements of the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Public Procurement Law (Official Gazette 57/14), of 25 December, 2014. In that regard, it will be necessary to take additional actions to strenghten appropriate administrative structure in purpose of ensuring performance of all key activities. It was pointed out that the Working Group for drafting bylaws had been established, having started the preparation of secondary legislation, with a deadline for its adoption being 120 days from the day of entry into force of the said Law, i.e. it must be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2015.
The important issue of the meeting was also the analysis of the Project of electronic public procurement, which, according to the planned dynamics, should be completed by the end of 2016 in both countries. The experience of the Kosovo institutions in this field was of a high value for our country’s representatives.
Additionally, the issue of monitoring in Montenegrin public procurement was highlighted, where the representatives of Kosovo presented the manner of functioning of ex-ante and ex-post monitoring, as well as the control over contract execution which is, inter alia, one of the competences pertaining to their Regulatory Commission.
Representatives of Kosovo stressed the importance of international assistance, in particular of the World Bank which financed introduction of the electronic public procurement system in Kosovo through credit support, and testing of the first pilot project is expected in May, while the commencement of its application is planned for January 2016. In that regard, they expressed their willingness to help Montenegro when it comes to the process of preparation of tender documentation and feasibility studies, with a view to sharing experiences related to any future challenges upon preparation of the said documents in the light of introduction of the electronic public procurement.
The conclusion of the meeting was aimed at highlighting of the important links in the integration process, such as regional and inter-institutional cooperation, achieving transparency and equality, integrity plan, as well as bilateral meetings in which the real situation in the country should be presented.
Kosovo delegation expressed their appreciation for the progress of Montenegro in the European integration process, particularly in view of opening the Chapter 5 and ratification of the GPA Agreement on Public Procurement, within the WTO.
The follow-up of the cooperation has already been agreed upon, and it will continue by meetings in Priština in mid-March.
PR Service of the PPA of MNE