Podgorica, 07.02.2018. godine u prostorijama Uprave za javne nabavke održan je sastanak sa izvršnim direktorom Holandskog Helsinškog komiteta g-din Pepijn Gerrits. U ime Uprave sastanku su prisustvovali direktor Uprave za javne nabave doc dr Mersad Mujević, Dijana Ivanović samostalni savjetnik i Nerma Kalač viši savjetnik. Tema sastanka bila je početak realizacije Matra obuka u oblasti vladavine prava.
Na početku sastanka director Uprave za javne nabavke doc dr Mersad Mujević se zahvalio na posjeti i izrazio zadovoljstvo što je Uprava za javne nabavke prepoznata od strane Holanskog Helsinškog komiteta kao relevantna institucija za gore pomenuti Matra program obuka, u nastavku iznio spremnost službenika Uprave da uzmu učešće na istim.
Direktor Mujević je g-dina Pepijn Gerritsa upoznao sa trenutnim stanjem sistema javnih nabavki u Crnoj Gori kao i budućim aktivnostima koje Uprava planira da realizuje, kao I temama od posebnog značaja za system javnih nabavki zatražio pomoć u razmatranju istih kroz finansiranje određenih specijalističkih obuka sa relevantnim međunarodnim ekperima.
G-din Pepijn Gerrits upoznao je predstavnike Uprave sa Matra programom obuka u oblasti vladavine prava, istakao da pomenuti program nudi mogućnost državnim službenicima iz Crne Gore i 8 država iz regiona da pohađaju 10-dnevnu obuku u Holandiji.
Obuke se bave određenim/specifičnim temama na koje se angažuju relevantni eksperti iz date oblasti.
U nastavku je dat program za javne nabavke
Public Procurement
In short
The Matra Rule of Law Training Programme is designed to strengthen institutional capacity in the field of rule of law within government organisations in Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine and the Western Balkans. To this end seven training programmes are offered per year, each introducing the participants to best practices in a wide range of rule of law themes. Through interactive sessions combining theory, practical skills and study visits, policy advisors, members of the judiciary and other civil servants working in the government and justice sectors acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to drive reforms in their home countries. In addition, by taking part in the training programme, participants become part of a large transnational network of alumni, lecturers and relevant government departments in the Netherlands and in the target countries. This network offers a platform for learning, exchange and collaboration.
The Matra Rule of Law Training Programme is designed and delivered by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Leiden Law School, and The Hague Academy for Local Governance. It is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, initially for a period of two years (2017- 2018).
Target audience
This training on public procurement is intended for civil servants with responsibilities for public procurement, either at the level of central government or local authorities. Participants will be expected to offer a valuable and active contribution to the learning process and be in a position to implement the newly gained knowledge and insights in their respective organisation.
The maximum number of participants is 36. The total will represent a balance in gender and a balance in the number of participants from the individual countries.
Eligible countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine
Application: Applications can be made on www.nhc.nl/matrarolt. Please note that the deadline for submission is Wednesday 10 May.
Training period: 21 – 30 June, 2017
Language: English
Programme costs: The Netherlands Government will provide full fellowships to the selected participants. Each fellowship will cover the cost of international travel (economy), full board and lodging, visa and insurance, tuition fees, lecture materials and study visits. The participants will have to cover any other costs.
Training venues: Leiden Law School, Leiden
Leiden University Campus The Hague
Hotel accommodation: Ibis Den Haag City Centre, The Hague
Public procurement is a subject of great economic and strategic interest. It is estimated that public expenditure on goods, work and services accounts for approximately 19% of GDP in the EU: every year central and local authorities award contracts worth of some 2 trillion euros. Because of the huge financial interests and the close public/private relationships, public procurement is a vulnerable process that may entail conflict of interests, nepotism and corruption. Thus, economic criminality may undermine the very foundations of the rule of law. For these reasons the European Union has developed an elaborate regulatory and supervisory framework, aiming to secure that public contracts are awarded in an open, fair and transparent manner. In its relations with pre-accession and Eastern Partnership countries the EU puts great emphasis on the quality and effectiveness of public procurement procedures.
The training programme aims to increase understanding of the European standards relating to public procurement, and of factors that determine the legitimacy, integrity and transparency of the process of public procurement. Presentations on the Dutch experience in dealing with these standards will encourage the participants to reflect on the situation in their own country, to identify areas for reform and to nurture exchange on practises in other countries. In addition, knowledge and skills to develop a sustainable policy for the improvement of public procurement will be enhanced. Special attention will be paid to obstacles and dilemmas in the implementation process and how to overcome them.
Approach and structure
By being demand-driven in nature and by stimulating active participation, the training programme strives to achieve lasting results. When participants leave they are sufficiently equipped to implement the newly gained knowledge and insights in their respective organisations. The training programme offers a careful balance between the following three, mutually reinforcing, components:
Practical skills
Study visits
A social programme will facilitate network development between the participants from the various countries as well as between the participants and their Dutch
On completion of the training, participants will:
Be familiar with the EU legal framework relating to public procurement;
Have insight in domestic experiences in implementing this framework and the dilemmas and obstacles that one encounters;
Be able to use the acquired knowledge and best practices as a source of inspiration for dealing with challenges related to public procurement in their own countries;
Be trained in the practical application of specific subjects and in a number of needed practical skills;
Have had the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences;
Have had the opportunity to create new professional cross-border networking relations.
Upon successful completion of the programme – which includes attendance to all components of the programme – participants will receive a certificate indicating the topic of the course and the number of training hours.
All contributors to the programme are carefully selected. They include leading academics, experienced lawyers, as well as civil servants responsible for public procurement.
Admission requirements
Important points on which the selection of participants will largely be based are:
The participant should clearly demonstrate his/her professional interest in a training on the public procurement, and the use he/she would make of the insights gained from the training.
The participant should have practical experience as a (senior) civil servant and be familiar with questions pertaining to public procurement.
The participant should have a good command of spoken and written English.
The participant should be highly motivated and enthusiastic.
The participant should be comfortable sharing his/her knowledge with fellow participants (solo presentation during the programme and regular knowledge sharing in the digital learning environment will be required).
The participant should be in the position to devote sufficient time and attention to the training programme. Before the training the participants will have to complete a preparatory assignment; after the training they will implement and report on a concrete action plan developed by themselves during the training.
Participant should submit a signed employer’s statement granting permission to participate in the training programme.
How to apply
Please read the admission requirements carefully. Candidates who satisfy all of the requirements may proceed to complete the application form which is available at www.nhc.nl/matrarolt.
Application forms need to be submitted in full to be eligible for selection. Admission will be on a merit and competitive basis.
Successfully uploaded applications will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation.
Please note that, once admitted to the programme, applicants must submit a letter from their employer showing that they have authorisation to attend this training programme. Please make sure that you are able to submit this letter within five working days after you receive notice of your admission to the programme.
Information and training programme organization Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Website: www.nhc.nl/matrarolt, E-mail: matrarolt@nhc.nl, Phone: + 31 (0)70 392 6700